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Showing posts from February, 2022

Balkans or Brompton?

  So here we are more than 6 months into my retirement and it turns out the answer to the title question of this blog is “not a lot to write home about really” I’ve been dabbling in watercolour painting a bit, but my retirement, for us, was always going to be about having the time to travel, to do the bucket list trips. It hasn’t turned out like that – well yet anyway. Covid restrictions haven’t helped, although we did manage a trip to the UK to see our new Granddaughter in October which was lovely. With all the bureaucracy involved I found travelling a stressful experience, but thank goodness it seems that the world (well the 1st world anyway) is now in a position where that side of things is easing a little –  just in time to start worrying about an actual war in Europe; Thanks Vladimir! Don’t get me wrong, we are lucky people, we live 365 in a place where some people pay thousands of euros to come to for a couple of weeks a year, but you do feel like you need to get off the rock som